Dr. Ospina knows about the importance of staying up-to-date in his field, in order to offer cutting-edge treatments to his patients. For this reason, he belongs to the most prestigious scientific societies in his field.
It is the most important scientific society in Spain in the field of its specialty. Being a member of it, means that his speciality has been obtained correctly and that he has right professional ethics.
Membership of the European Board means that their level of knowledge is equal to the quality standard throughout Europe. Only a few plastic surgeons in Spain have this qualification.
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Esta cookie está configurada por el plugin GDPR Cookie Consent. Las cookies se utilizan para almacenar el consentimiento del usuario para las cookies en la categoría "COOKIES TÉCNICAS NECESARIAS".
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Esta cookie es instalada por Google Analytics. La cookie se utiliza para almacenar información sobre cómo los visitantes usan un sitio web y ayuda a crear un informe analítico de cómo está funcionando el sitio web. Los datos recopilados, incluido el número de visitantes, la fuente de donde provienen y las páginas visitadas de forma anónima.